Umbrella Baby
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How it works...


The umbrella attaches to a frame with a clamp and can be tightened as needed. By pushing the round button above the clamp, you can bend the umbrella to different angles to get the best shade. It can also be removed from the clamp which is easy when stowing the pram in the car.

It fits on both the basic stroller seat and the rim of the baby bag or bassinette; basically it will fit on most prams, including famous pram brands like Bugaboo & Quinny. Although the umbrella has an anti UV coating (SPF 30) and provides great shading, it is not a total sun block and we recommend you use sunscreen in addition to the umbrella. The color is basic black which looks good on any pram!

Note: the umbrella is sturdy & not affected by a bit of wind but we suggest some TLC and leave it closed when there is too much wind and your pram is going backwards instead of forwards...


We have personally tested the umbrella (still do!) and believe it's a great product. Therefore we offer a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your purchase: you can return the unused umbrella within 2 weeks after purchase for a full refund - excluding postage.




pictures showing how it works...

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